The Jocks have taken over the school, and brought the Homecoming
Queen with them while they chant "Boys don't make passes with girls
who wear glasses." They stormed into the Student Council Meetings
and disrupted it with sarcastic jokes.
They snuck in to the auditorium and stole the PA system from the
debate team to use it for their pep rally, where young girls who look like
contestants for the Miss Universe Pageant will cheer them on.
They flip off the teachers and the principal and still haven't been sent to
detention. The classrooms and hallways are littered with their trash talk.
The National Honor Society has been disbanded due to lack of
attendance: the members don't show up because the pathway to the
classroom door is lined with 'jock supporters' who jeer them for being
'nerds' who actually do their homework.
After school, they congregate on the bus and rate the girls from 1-to-10,
based on their looks, breast size, and willingness to have sex with them.
Their parents look the other way, afraid to discipline their own sons.
Power passes from the intelligent, ambitious and creative population to
these uneducated, bullying adolescents.
The 'Jocks' protest the study of Evolution in biology class, but
institutionalize one of the main points of Darwin for themselves:
"Survival of the Fittest." That's the one concept they steal from the
biology books, and apply it to pave the pathway to our destruction.
I hope, in four years, we can graduate from this horrible experience, and
no longer have to sit next to boys going through puberty in perpetuity.
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
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